Love being back here at Kirkwood........ I have continued my healthy eating and fitness regime and also getting stuck back into my academic work. 

Classes starting back up now here in the spring term means I have some new instructors and all of them are great so far. At the moment I am up to date with all my homework and already have some grades in.

My fitness is going extremely well for the new golf season, with my body in great shape (if i don't say so myself!!). I've now reached 207 lbs and continue my work building strength around the key golfing areas. Mine and Tim's TPI work is really starting to pay off now and i am feeling fitter, stronger and more mobile as the season gets closer. I am so excited for it too start!! 

Here are a couple of photo's of me in action down the gym, hope all is well back at the club and thanks again for the support.

Regards Niall

Couple of light weights to start my session! 

Couple of light weights to start my session! 

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